Individuals accused of drug offenses in Texas are often very anxious about their future. They may also feel quite anxious and embarrassed about their pending charges. It is relatively common for those accused of drug possession to plead guilty. They hope to speed up...
Aggressive Criminal
Drug crimes
Treatment options for a teen who is facing drug charges
If your teen is facing drug charges in Texas, you’re likely feeling a mix of worry and uncertainty about their future. While the potential legal consequences of these charges are unquestionably important to address, the underlying issue -- your child’s potential...
Your child has been arrested and fentanyl is involved: Now what?
If your child has been arrested and fentanyl is involved, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and fearful. Fentanyl-related charges are taken very seriously in Texas, as the drug is highly potent and linked to significant public health risks. A conviction for charges...
What can you do if your teen is caught with drugs at school?
Receiving a call from your teen's school that they were caught with drugs can be frustrating. Besides facing disciplinary action in school, your child may be in legal trouble since schools in Texas are required to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency of any...
Dabs or vape pens are very dangerous for young adults
Young adults such as teenagers and college students frequently experiment with risky behavior. They may try mind-altering substances and dabble in breaking the law. Many young adults experiment with marijuana or cannabis. They may view it as one of the safest drugs,...
Has your college student been accused of selling drugs?
Receiving news that your college student has been accused of selling drugs in Texas can be alarming and overwhelming. It's a serious situation that requires a calm, measured and strategic response, given that it is important to do what you can to protect your child's...
The role of mental health assessments in drug crime cases
The intersection of mental health issues and drug crimes is a complex and pressing concern. For those facing drug charges, the state of their mental health can play a vital role in shaping their legal journey. If you are dealing with a drug charge as well as a mental...
Why are prescription drug crimes so common?
Prescription drugs are subject to state and federal regulations. While they serve as medications that can help people with symptoms ranging from insomnia to persistent muscular tension, these substances aren't available to just anyone. People typically cannot obtain...
How long does it take to complete a drug court process in Texas?
Accusations of violating Texas drug statutes can lead to major penalties. Infractions involving both prohibited drugs, like methamphetamine, and controlled substances, like Oxycontin, can violate state law. Prosecutors often pursue felony charges over drug law...
Potential criminal charges associated with prescriptions
Most people know that they’re the only person who should take any medications subject to a personalized prescription. Yet, others share prescriptions frequently. Some who engage in such sharing are aware that doing so is a crime, while others are not. Several criminal...