Aggressive Criminal

Does your teen driver know what to do during a DWI traffic stop?

On Behalf of | Criminal Defense |

Getting pulled over by law enforcement can be nerve-wracking at any age, but it is often especially so for young drivers. Unfortunately, most teen motorists do not realize how easy it is to say or do something to make the stop worse, especially if they are nervous.

If your teen is now driving on their own, they need to know how to conduct themselves during a traffic stop. Providing some advice to your teen driver can help protect them in a police encounter.

Explain the potential consequences

Ensure that your young driver understands the legal and personal repercussions of getting a DWI or DUI. In Texas, the first drunk driving offense for minors may result in:

  • Hundreds of dollars in fines
  • Loss of driver’s license
  • Mandatory alcohol education
  • Hours of community service
  • Possible incarceration (if they’re 17 or older)

You should also ensure they understand that driving while intoxicated can lead to an accident, injuries or death.

Inform them of their rights

Like adults, underage drivers should know what constitutional rights they have during an encounter with police. For example, they have the right to remain silent (after giving their name) and are not legally required to answer officers’ questions. Further, police cannot search the car without probable cause of a crime

Teens should also understand that law enforcement must follow strict procedures when taking a minor into custody. For example, officers cannot place teen offenders in the local jail. They must release them to a parent or take them to an official juvenile facility.

With legal guidance, you can help ensure that your teen receives fair, constitutional treatment if facing allegations of drunk driving.
