Aggressive Criminal

Factors that can result in juvenile crime

On Behalf of | Criminal Defense |

Adolescents often get a bad rap. They are frequently viewed as troublemakers who don’t realize how lucky they have it.

The truth is, there is a lot of pressure on young people today. It only takes a slight misfortune, a traumatic event or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time for a teenager to land in trouble with the law. Outlined below are some key factors that can result in juvenile crime

Acts of rebellion

Teenagers face pressure from wider society to succeed, pass their exams, go on to college or gain meaningful employment. Typically, none of this comes easily and it’s a lot of strain for a young person to face. They might want to escape from all of this, at least for a short time, which can lead to bad decisions. Some research suggests that the more pressure young people are put under, the more likely they are to act out through aggression, substance use and even criminal activity. It can be difficult to know what to do as a parent in these circumstances, but sometimes, the harsher the parental approach, the worse the behavior becomes.

Peer pressure

Peer pressure is another driving factor behind juvenile crime. It is human nature to want to belong and have a sense of purpose in life. Camaraderie can take a stronghold on anyone, especially young people. If a teen falls in with a crowd who partake in criminal activity, they are left with the choice of being accepted into the group or walking away. The latter option is not an easy route to take as it can mean giving up on that sense of belonging and starting afresh. This sense of belonging is so powerful, that it could result in engaging in criminal activity to ensure they fit in and remain a part of the group.

Everyone is susceptible to making mistakes, especially when they are younger. Just because your child has been accused of a criminal offense, this does not mean they are guilty. Make sure you have an experienced support network behind you as you navigate the nuances of criminal charges.
