Residents of McKinney, Texas and Collin County might want to learn more about a new concept to deal with impaired drivers. With traditional punishment proving to be unsuccessful, the DWI/Drug Court and programs will produce fewer repeat offenders. Jail has not been the answer.
According to the Collin County government, the program will target high-risk substance-dependent offenders. It will also provide a coordinated strategy for processing each case. You don’t want your life or that of your child ruined by substance abuse issues.
What are the qualifiers for this program?
People must meet the following to qualify:
- Individuals must live in Collin County
- An applicant must agree to a Substance Abuse Evaluation prior to acceptance
- They must have a willingness to participate in intensive supervision and treatment
program - Only certain offenses are eligible
What are the disqualifiers?
Some of the things that would disqualify a person from the program include the following:
- Out-of-county residence
- Offense occurred more than six months ago, although there are some exceptions
- Mental health or health issues that are debilitating
- Prior felony sex offenses
- Current or prior violent offender
- Deemed a risk by the Department of Homeland Security
- Pending felony charges
- Charges in other jurisdictions
- Outstanding warrants in other jurisdictions
What are the major benefits of this program?
If you have had a DUI, jail sentences and fines will receive a reduction. There will be waiving of requirements for community service. There will be reduced deep lung device rates. An occupational driver’s license is provided, and there is no fee.
If you or a loved one have a DUI charge, it is wise to consult an attorney who can help you. If you meet the qualifiers of this program, it may be the path to wellness and freedom from substance abuse and the distress of future DUIs.